
Henriette Steinberg Valeire Pecresse Tristan Duval (Source: Jedi Foster & Rahma Sophia Rachdi)
The Secours Populaire Francais (SPF), leading French NGO, chaired by Henriette Sternberg, in partnership with Region Ile de France chair by Valerie Pecresse welcomed by Tristan Duval mayor of Cabourg,
organized over two days, on August 25 and 26, a Day of Forgotten Holidays in Cabourg, offering four hundred (400) underprivileged children from the Ile de France. The children who came from eight (8) departments of Paris Ile de France transported by coach, spent the whole day at Cabourg Beach. They were escorted and spoiled with the scare delegations of the Secours Populaire Français coming from Paris and their suburbs (Ile de France) . This event, of two days at the sea on the beach of Cabourg, nearby the legendary « promenade of Marcel Proust » (Walk of Marcel Proust) of nearly than 4km long, is held every year at the same period of August. Usually the Mayor of Cabourg, Tristan Duval, welcomed them at this unique and beautiful environment, with more than four thousand children playing around in the golden sand, and swimming. This year, the French Secours Populaire has decided to keep this beach day in Cabourg, despite and especially because of the COVID-19 outbreak, to offer a day
organized over two days, on August 25 and 26, a Day of Forgotten Holidays in Cabourg, offering four hundred (400) underprivileged children from the Ile de France. The children who came from eight (8) departments of Paris Ile de France transported by coach, spent the whole day at Cabourg Beach. They were escorted and spoiled with the scare delegations of the Secours Populaire Français coming from Paris and their suburbs (Ile de France) . This event, of two days at the sea on the beach of Cabourg, nearby the legendary « promenade of Marcel Proust » (Walk of Marcel Proust) of nearly than 4km long, is held every year at the same period of August. Usually the Mayor of Cabourg, Tristan Duval, welcomed them at this unique and beautiful environment, with more than four thousand children playing around in the golden sand, and swimming. This year, the French Secours Populaire has decided to keep this beach day in Cabourg, despite and especially because of the COVID-19 outbreak, to offer a day
The Secours Populaire Francais (SPF), leading French NGO, chaired by Henriette Sternberg, in partnership with Region Ile de France chair by Valerie Pecresse welcomed by Tristan Duval mayor of Cabourg,
organized over two days, on August 25 and 26, a Day of Forgotten Holidays in Cabourg, offering four hundred (400) underprivileged children from the Ile de France. The children who came from eight (8) departments of Paris Ile de France transported by coach, spent the whole day at Cabourg Beach. They were escorted and spoiled with the scare delegations of the Secours Populaire Français coming from Paris and their suburbs (Ile de France) . This event, of two days at the sea on the beach of Cabourg, nearby the legendary « promenade of Marcel Proust » (Walk of Marcel Proust) of nearly than 4km long, is held every year at the same period of August. Usually the Mayor of Cabourg, Tristan Duval, welcomed them at this unique and beautiful environment, with more than four thousand children playing around in the golden sand, and swimming. This year, the French Secours Populaire has decided to keep this beach day in Cabourg, despite and especially because of the COVID-19 outbreak, to offer a day of joy and sharing for the most deprived children who have not gone on vacation and as the Secretary General of Secours Populaire Francais Henriette Steinberg explained, "A child who has not yet gone on vacation after August 15, will not leave this year". Hence the choice of this date of August 25, 26, the Days of Forgotten Holidays, is taking place precisely, since 1976.Valerie Pecresse, President of Region Ile de France, who financed half of the event, together with SPF, travelled up to Cabourg and delivered a keynote, alongside Tristan Duval the mayor of Cyborg, Henriette Steinberg, secretary General of SPF and Jean Louis Durand Drouhin president of SPF in Ile de France. The Secretary of Statee Adrien Tacquet, for childhood and family, was expected to be here, but ended up dismissed due to the preparation of back to school period.
THE 400 HAPY FEW UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILDREN ENJOY A SUNNY DAY AT CABOURG BEACH WELCOMED BY TRISTAN DUVAL MAYOR OF CABOURG-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This great one-day adventure will be the last outing of the summer for these children deprived of vacation before going back to school. In total, 400 children (200 per day) will hit the road to Cabourg, between 6 am and 8 am, from the departments of Ile-de-France (Seine Saint Denis, Seine et Marne. Essonne, and Val de Marne). The Mayor of Cabourg, Tristan Duval, welcomed them at this unique and beautiful environment, with more than four thousand children playing around in the golden sand, and swimming. On the first day, the children's group was accompanied by the former First Lady, Valerie Tirweiller, official godmother of Secours Populaire Francais. On August 26, the godmothers were Sauhaila and Pierre, alongside Secretary General Henriette Sternberg who raved about her keynote during the press conference which took place at 11:30 am in the tent set up on the edge of the golden sand of Cabourg beach ... The president of the Ile de France region, Valerie Pecresse also spoke at the conference, expressing her joy to share the happiness of children "on vacation for a day", during this JOV operation, financed at 50 % by the Ile de France Region. The Mayor of Cabourg, Tristan Duval also made remarks, expressing his joy at receiving children forgotten on vacation, taken by the Secours Populaire Francais on his beach in the wealthy town of Cabourg.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jean Louis Durand Drouhin, President of Secours Populaire Ile de France, meanwhile hosted a press conference and introduced the participants and cited the sponsors of partners in this charity operation. The absence of Adrien Taquet, who was to be in Cabourg, at the press conference, was noted, Secretary of State for Children and Families. (Occupies the preparation, she returns to government school)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Also present were David Ermoca, responsible for sailing crossings (transat Jacques Vabre, Transat Figaro) in the colors of Secours Populaire Francais, this young agri-food entrepreneur who friends his network in the service of Secours Populaire to avoid food waste and in to benefit from the underprivileged, fed by the Secours Populaire Francais.--------------------------------
Secours Populaire Francais is doing everything it can "so that summer does not forget anyone". It is stepping up energies to offer vacation stays, “Happiness Days“ for the poorest families, the first victims of the consequences of the health crisis. From August 15, the Secours populaire and all its Federations are organizing the “Days of the Forgotten of the Holidays“. Children who have not had the chance to leave will meet for exceptional days. These days of the Forgotten Holidays started with the observation that "One in three children still does not go on vacation. "In 2019, the vacation access actions implemented by Secours populaire enabled 201,990 people to go on vacation, including 40,577 people who participated in the Days of the Forgotten on Vacation. This corresponds to 414,950 vacation days.
VALERIE PECRESSE IS DELIGHTED TO TAKE PART IN THE HOLIDAY FORGOTTEN DAY & MAYOR OF CABOURG HAPPY TO WELCOME 400 KIDS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Mayor of Cabourg, Tristan Duval, took the floor to thank Secours Populaire Francais, chaired by Henriette Steinberg and the Ile de France Region chaired by Valerie Pecresse, official partner of this operation “Journee des Oubliés des Vacances“, which takes place every year, since 1976 after August 15, that is to say just before the start of school, to offer a day at sea to underprivileged children, in Cabourg: "We are very happy, it's a tradition to receive the SPF in Cabourg, this was complicated to offer the balcony of eternity to Marcel Proust to children. Cabourg is a place of diversity and diversity if we were to prohibit it, it would be for those who are xenophobic and those who do not like difference! A launches Tristan Duval the mayor of Cabourg.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"This is the time for some children to see the sea, explained Tristan Duval, the Mayor of Cabourg, He then ended his speech with a scoop about his world famous city and very firmly visited by tourists from all over the world “Next year, he will be delighted to receive the Secours Populaire, especially as 2021 will coincide with the birth of Marcel Proust, the legendary writer and envy who lived for 7 years at the Grand Hotel in Cabourg at the beginning of the last century, and where he wrote the literary masterpiece In Search of Lost Time “Next year we are going to inaugurate a new museum to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Marcel Proust“.
Jean Louis Durand Drouhin: “In this exceptional year certainly in an unusual format for us to be here, this not quite unprecedented. Last year was the 40th and the current conditions set the health responsibility of the mayor of the court nannies helped. Yesterday already 200 children from four (4) idc departments and today four other departments of Ile De France. This special day, JOV is one of the events taken this summer among the dozens of days organized in the IDF, the Happiness Days and Oxygen Days, in Versailles, Fontainebleau“¦. »Explained the president of Secours Populaire Francais ile de France.
Jean Louis Durand Drouhin, added that "When we have taken the account, there are thousands of children to whom we offer pleasure and happiness for a day. The Secours Populaire Francais (SPF) was very present with our open offices during the painting of COVID-19 containment confirms with + 45% of new arrivals from oc finely. It was important to us so that we have hundreds for children to come out of their cities. My role is to thank thank you to the mayor with your competent services and grooves, and the windy years, we forge links, we feel at home every year. and we promised to come back and we will come back with more kids later. "The IDF Regional Council is one of the most obvious supports, for food aid and masks and service tickets, as well as access to the leisure center, and support activities for children". explained Jean Louis Durand Drouhin, who again thanks Valerie Pecresse, President of IDF, "for your help and support and for having joined us despite a very busy schedule". He also thanked the SANF (motorway company) and announced that in the year 2021, "we will install a SANEF radio studio on the Radio FM Autoroute beach, during the Day of Oblivion Holidays. He also thanked other partners and donors, such as Deloitte Pepsico, Pasquier and Yabon, the sponsors who filled in the back asses given to the children and I finally thank the godfathers Sand and Gerard, Sauhaila and Pierre, the godfathers, concluded the president of Secours Populaire Francais ile de France
Henriette Steinberg Secretary General of Secours populaire Francais, thanks the participants, godfathers, godmothers, partners and volunteers who made the relationship of this exceptional day possible for underprviileged children: "Thank you for your help and for coming" but she insists on the needs have increased because of COVID-19 and thank you for glass help we have remained permanent and our structures remained open and watch what is happening in the rede confirm of COVID-19;Henriette Steinberg then drew attention to the tragic situation in Beirut, which experienced a very serious double explosion in the port on August 4 and generated a pulse of 400,000 homeless people “For our brothers who are in Beirut and whose children of Lebanon, deserve 'to have something other than just to eat and drink and this project of hope we send financial means but seized the activities in the same way as in France we want to make that all the children come into contact al stranger with the help of tablets and computers and that all these children can see the future of collective solidarity and planetary handling and this day bears witness to what is possible“. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The President of Secours Populaire Francais adds concerning the technological tools to help teaching, but also to sharing through communication with the rest of the world: “Children must be supported in the tutoring of children thanks to computers, bitch. with this tool we will be able to build a society that has meaning in frankly and in Europe and in the world. So that the children will have had victories woman sou c; and just one day, saw the bitter, the deba planes the tanks the shells it is the moment of happiness which holds them back »------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Henriette Steinberg adds that: "This is the 41st year, and some beneficiaries know and remember it in a lasting way, We have met people who have succeeded today and who have one day reopened the door to hope. because they had the chance to go with Secours Populaire Francais on vacation. " Indeed Malika Tabti Head of communications of Secours Populaire Francais, says that thanks to Facebook, SPF has found former beneficiaries of the SPF, who have now become rich free and successful in their lives ... and have brought their moving testimony of an unforgettable memory and marking a day of forgetfulness during their difficult childhood ““No need for turnover with children,“ explains Henriette Sternberg, “you need to be able to link children with others around the world thanks to tablets. Regarding the support of the IDF region, for SPF, we want this to be possible throughout France so that all those who are in our country have something to eat, drink and see society and the world in a positive and united manner with the thousands of volunteers who join us. You are the active leaven of this beautiful mission "thus ended Henriette Steiner on a positive and optimistic note for a future that she wants united and humanistic.
Valerie Pecresse, President of the Ile De France region made the trip to Cabourg to share moments with the children of Secours populaire Francais, within the framework of this exceptional day "It is the day of Ile De France residents who disembark, at the sea of Cabourg, gracia has generosity and sharing happiness for these children. "Valerie Pecresse makes the sad observation:" There are 1/3 children in Ie from De France DF who have not gone on vacation and we are facing this reality. Julien Laupretre came to see me the next day for the friends of the world, Julien Laupretre (Former SG and founder of Secours Populaire Francais) came to see me just after my election to the presidency of the Ile de France region where he told me. a tells how we weave the bonds of childhood.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Valerie Pecresse then broaches the subject of the appendage of COVID-19 and the aggravating consequences on precarious families, in addition to the health consequences. precarious and families are increasingly faced with unemployment and this year we have distributed all the surpluses in Ile de France from producers and we have discovered new families in 40 towns of food aid thanks to the help of Resto Du heart and food banks to feed both students deprived of odd jobs and the precarious.". It is a very harsh reality linked to the COVID-19 crisis, it is a shame that this year we are downsized. Mails there is so much activity throughout the year, with other entertainment, 350,000 leisure tickets were distributed and entries for the nautical bases and not counting the restaurant tickets, this was done by the Regional Council so that children shine. The children rushed into the sea and we are delighted to see how the children benefit from this day, because we have funded 50% of this operation with the SPF. Thank you to the SPF and the volunteers and for reassuring the families so that '' they entrust us with their children for this day of happiness and thank you for all this work, continue to help others “Concluded Valerie Pecresse while thanking all the participants in this operation Day of Forgotten Holidays, sunny in Cabourg, offering a day of sharing and happiness for all.
Secours Populaire Secretary General Henriette Steinberg Underprivileged People Hunger Day Valerie Pecresse President Region Ile De France Tristan Duval Mayor Of Cabourg Jean :louis Durand Drouhin Solidarity Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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